In 1907 a small number of watchmakers met together in Clerkenwell to discuss the then problems of their craft and to see, by joining together, what they could do, not only to benefit themselves, but to benefit the craft in general. From those small beginnings has grown The British Watch and Clock Makers’ Guild, whose members now come from all parts of the United Kingdom and abroad.

Over the years the scope of the Guild has widened and the ways in which various facilities can be extended, or new ones introduced, are always being considered and discussed. The Guild Secretariat, most ably backed by a Guild Council composed of practical experts from all branches of the craft, is always pleased to assist members with information and to help solve various problems such as those concerning Obsolete Parts, Insurance, New Techniques, Starting a Business, Valuations, etc., etc.
In certain cases the Guild may also be able to offer an arbitration service.
The guild has representation on the committee of the National Benevolent Society of Watch and Clock makers and help can be obtained in times of medical hardship. Small grants can be arranged for those who meet the necessary qualifications.
Membership of the British Watch and Clock Makers’ Guild is available to all who are engaged in any branch of the horological and allied crafts. Subscriptions paid by applicants for membership after 1st October in any one year will be credited for the year following, after which all subscriptions are due on 1st January each year. A Membership Certificate is issued to all members immediately after being elected to membership by the Guild Council. Further, all Guild Members are entitled to attend the Guild Council meetings, which are normally held on the second Thursday of the months of February, May, August and November, but without voting rights.
The Secretary will be pleased to answer all enquiries and to supply any further details required.
The British Watch & Clock Makers’ Guild
P.O. Box 2368,
Romford, Essex
Tel/Fax :- 01708 750616